Summer Learning

  • Audiobooks audio books for kids

    Best Audiobooks for Kids: A Lifesaver for Parents

    Beauty of Audiobooks As a mom and educator, I know that children thrive on structure and routine. One of my favorite parenting trick is listening to audiobooks. This is our favorite family car trip and quiet-time activity. Not only do audiobooks improve vocabulary and comprehension, but they are also highly entertaining too! I feel guilty […]

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  • Being Bored sparks creativity!

    Bored Kids? Why Its A Good Thing

    The Benefits of Boredom My son came home recently and announced that someone said the “B word” at school.  I quickly sifted through all of the B bad words that I knew.  Finally, I said, “What was it?” He said, “Mom, well, um, it’s really not a word we say in our house.  Bored.” I […]

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  • Summer Reading: Graph 1000 Minutes

    Summer Reading Motivation – am I right?!  Are you looking for a fun and different way to motivate your kids with summer reading?  Kids love, love, LOVE to chart their progress and visually see their success.  It might seem strange, but there is value in visually seeing your progress improve daily.  This graph to 1000 […]

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  • Summer Learning Activities for Kids

    Summer Learning Activities  Summer Learning during the summer?  Sign me up!  No really, it’s not going to be the end of the world and it might just start you and your children on a successful summer learning journey. You can call it whatever you like, but we’ve just called it “Summer Points”.  It’s a way […]

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  • Do-It-Yourself Summer School

    When I stumbled upon this idea, I thought it was the most brilliant idea I’d ever come up with!  🙂 Have you heard of the dreaded “Summer Slide” where children learn up to 3 months of learning over the summer?  This means that if they don’t do any work over the summer, they can be […]

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  • 44 Summer Activities for Learning

    Welcome to Summer!  I’m all about looking for opportunities for learning in the summer.  Here is a list of Summer Activities that encourage Learning.  It can be as easy as sorting shells at the beach to planning a meal to make for your family.  Learning can take place anywhere! If your kid is like most […]

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