• How to Raise Responsible Kids. A mother and father guiding their young child as they take steps on their own, symbolizing the gradual shift from parental control to child independence.

    How to Raise Responsible Kids: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents

    One of the biggest goals we have as parents is to raise our children to be successful, responsible adults. But let’s be honest—this doesn’t happen overnight. It requires us to gradually give up some control, allowing our children to gain more freedom and responsibility. Easier said than done, right? Thankfully, Timothy Smith created a Countdown […]

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  • Diagram of the Reading Rope showing the strands of word recognition and language comprehension intertwined to represent the process of reading.

    What is the Reading Rope & How Does It Apply to Me?

    Introduction to the Reading Rope My first exposure to the Reading Rope was at a workshop where we were supposed to “build it” with pipe cleaners. Did a bunch of teachers act like kids and not follow the directions? YES! Did it help me understand the Reading Rope? Well… no. It wasn’t until I learned […]

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  • Parent writing a detailed and friendly letter to their child’s teacher, including information about the child’s strengths, challenges, and learning style.

    How To Write A Letter Describing Your Child To A Teacher

    It’s Back-to-School Time! Here’s How to Write a Letter to Your Child’s Teacher Can you believe it’s already back-to-school season? It feels like summer just started, and now we’re diving into the whirlwind of shopping for school supplies, figuring out healthy snacks, and getting our kiddos ready to head back to the classroom. One of […]

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  • Step-by-step directed drawing tutorial for kids

    Directed Drawing Magic: Easy Kids’ Drawings for Confidence

    Most of my life, I believed I couldn’t draw. In my younger years, I loved to trace and color, but I never felt that I could sketch or draw. I always seemed to be surrounded by people who doodled for fun. Since I’m a teacher, I’ve learned to compensate over the years, but I’ve never […]

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  • Audiobooks audio books for kids

    Best Audiobooks for Kids: A Lifesaver for Parents

    Beauty of Audiobooks As a mom and educator, I know that children thrive on structure and routine. One of my favorite parenting trick is listening to audiobooks. This is our favorite family car trip and quiet-time activity. Not only do audiobooks improve vocabulary and comprehension, but they are also highly entertaining too! I feel guilty […]

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  • Family Memories

    Do Things That Make Your Family Interesting

    Do Things That Make Your Family Interesting Creating memories with your children is incredibly important. As they grow up, they’ll cherish the fun traditions and activities you shared together. One key aspect of a thriving family dynamic is realizing that “we’re fun!” Recently I read that kids remember more of their time in their home, […]

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