I know many of your are on a roll with Summer Points right now!  Way to go mom… I mean kids!!

Have your kids hit a lull in earning points?  It’s time for Bonus Points!  Choose the areas you’d most like to see improvement and start there.

Here’s what we’re doing….

We have two areas we’d like to see a lot of improvement over the summer:
1.  Writing
2.  Biblical Knowledge

My youngest son’s sticker chart from Kindergarten

My son’s Kindergarten teacher encouraged them to write complete sentences all year.  Every 10 sentences they wrote they got a sticker on their chart.  Every 10 stickers = trip to the Prize Box!  Fabulous idea!

Along those same lines, we are offering our boys points for every sentence they write.  10 Sentences = 10 Bonus Points.  This can happen in the books their publishing or on a workbook page.

Biblical Knowledge
Both of our boys are now in the same Sunday School class.  They get homework each week.  Somehow it gets “lost” between the church and home.  We’ve always paid $.25 for memorizing scripture verses, now we’re offering 10 Bonus Points for completing weekly homework and turning it in (without us bugging them).  Week 1 no problem, Week 2 they misplaced it and I reverted to my old ways of nagging.  My husband reminded me that it wasn’t my job, it’s their responsibility.  Let’s see what happens Week 3.

How can you encourage your kids in their weaker areas?

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