Duct Tape Adventures!!  Oh how we love duct tape.  There are so many creative options for kids.  It’s not just for “ducts” anymore.

I think we have a new form of therapy in my house, called Duck Tape Therapy!  There’s something about pulling the heck out of a roll of tape and smooshing it onto something.  Duck tape keeps coming out in different colors and themes.  It’s pretty awesome! (supply list at the end)

Plastic container covered in duct tape – made into a bank!
yellow plastic egg + duct tape
We made these with my nieces.
The 9 year old wore one in her hair too!
Jet pack:  My awesome friend, Kerry, showed us how to make the jet pack.  We made a set for my son’s birthday a few years ago and it’s still in one piece!  We covered a cereal box with paper, made straps and jets out of duck tape, and let the kids decorate it.  I’ve seen some now that  have red ‘flames’ coming out of the bottom – awesome!
DIY capes!  Click here for tutorial.
We usually just pick up the cheapest Duct Tape that we can find at craft stores and hardware stores.
You can also purchase supplies on-line:
*recycled goods from around your house!
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