Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas

Are you looking for a fresh new Elf on the Shelf Arrival?  We’ve done some creative ones before…. the mailbox, a “hot air” balloon.  But this one is my favorite.  It’s simple and is a great way to launch your December with the Elf.

elf on the shelf arrival

Welcome Back Elf on the Shelf!

We’re a little Elf crazy around here!

Now that we’ve been doing Elf antics for several years we have a bunch of fun Elf on the Shelf ideas.  The problem is, it’s getting harder and harder to come up with new ones, especially the Elf on the Shelf ideas for arrival.

So we’re just repeating our favorite, low pressure Elf ideas now!  This idea below is our all time favorite!

Just getting started with Elf on the Shelf?  I recommend having a look at our Elf on the Shelf Guide  first so you can decide how “deep” you want to dive into Elf-dom.

It’s a Bird.  It’s a Plane.  No, It’s the Elf! 

Elf on the Shelf Arrival By Plane

elf on the shelf arrival

Supplies for the Elf Airplane:

Elf on the shelf arrival idea by Santa Express plane.

How to Make an Elf Airplane:

My husband made this airplane.  He gets full credit.

  1.  First, he folded a large sheet of poster-board and followed these simple airplane folding directions.
  2. Using permanent markers, he wrote “North Pole Express Mail” on both sides, drew a little Santa stamp he created on top, and then wrote “From: Santa” on the other side.
  3. Punch holes at the front and back under the wing.

You can draw anything you want on the Elf plane or leave it plain!   I’m pretty sure he finished making this in 10 minutes.

The hardest part was hanging it.  You could use dental floss or fishing line to hang it.  We found it balanced best from our kitchen light.

Looking for more Elf on the Shelf ideas:

Get Started with an Elf on the Shelf 

 25+ Elf on the Shelf Ideas

Star Wars Elf on the Shelf

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