How to Filter Out Bad Content in Movies.  Is that even possible?  Did you know that you can filter movies (from home) to make them safe for the whole family?

I just let my kids watch a PG-13 movie! We’ve been searching for a solution for our entire family, one that the adults and teen would like and still be safe for the littler eyes. Basically you can watch movies together without anyone having nightmares.

Enter…. VidAngel! Are you looking for an inexpensive way to filter out questionable content?   You know, the kind that makes you squirm or when you’re watching a movie with your children (nudity, graphic violence, and the &$#!* words). Yikes!

How to Filter Out Bad Content in MoviesI never recommend a product that I don’t try myself, so we watched Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (PG-13). My husband watched it in the theaters. We figured that would be a good one to start with, so we could tell if the filtering was good or not. We went ahead and set it on the highest level of filtering. There were over 100 scenes we could choose to filter out.

VidAngel is a no-brainer for people who like to watch movies online, especially families and budget conscious readers.

We usually have Family Movie Night on Friday nights and we love it! Now that my kids are getting older, it’s harder and harder to find movies that are appropriate for the entire family… mainly me! I want to say they “don’t make movies like they used to,” but that’s just not true. Some older movies that are labeled PG, really should have been PG-13, they just didn’t have that rating option back in my day.

You can treat VidAngel video just like Netflix. The movies will stream to all of your devices:

  • iPhone / iPad
  • Personal Computers
  • Android Devices
  • Apple TV
  • Chromecast
  • Roku

VidAngel charges $1 per night with sellback and filters.

So, what’s the catch? VidAngel charges you $20 to rent a movie, but it really only costs $1. See Tip #1 below.

How to Filter Out Bad Content in Movies

Tips for Using VidAngel:

  1. Movies are “owned” by you for the time you’re watching it. That’s why you can filter what your family watches. When I contacted VidAngel they gave me this quick overview:
  • BUY THE MOVIE– Pay the retail price of $20. (initial credit card payment)
  • WATCH FOR $1.00 – $1.00 (per day for SD movies) is deducted from the $20 credit.  ($2.00 HD).
  • SELL THE MOVIE– When finished, “Sell it Back” for $19.00 of instant credit to your VidAngel account for your next purchase.

When you’re ready for the next movie, the $19 credit already in your VidAngel account will automatically be applied to your purchase.  Your card will be charged $1 to bring your account up to the $20 purchase price.  You will then continue to buy and sell movies with account credit and pay only $1.00 per night for SD movies.  With every $1 per night, you get back $19 in credit and the process repeats with each new movie.

  1. The credit back to your account is not cash, it is VidAngel credit for future purchases.
  2. Editing – You can choose what you want edited out. This is legal because VidAngel doesn’t change the original content.
  3. VidAngel does not have an app for TV yet. There are four options:
  • If your TV allows you to use a web browser, go to the VidAngel website, sign in, and view your movie that way.
  • Your TV may have an app for Screen Sharing from your phone or tablet, use it to connect to your Smart TV.
  • You can plug in an outside device such as a laptop, tablet, or phone using a cable. That’s what we did and there were some delays in streaming.

Check it out by clicking here >>>>> VidAngel

How do you choose family movie night movies?

We also have this book to help us select good ones!

Busy Kids Happy Mom has partnered with VidAngel to bring you quality information on How to Filter Out Bad Content in Movies.

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