Would you like to learn how to fill up your child’s Love Tank?  Just like a car needs gas to move, your little child’s little heart needs to be filled up each day with your love.  Let’s address ways you can fill up a love tank vs. ways that empty a love tank.  We’ll also dive into the benefits of having a full love tank.
I feel like the littlest kids (toddlers) have small “sippy cup” size love tanks and as they grow older they are more like a water bottle.  Rarely do there little tanks ever grow as big as a bath tub or swimming pool.  Instead, those small cups need constant refills.
Your child’s heart is a little “love tank”.  When he does not receive the love he needs he can feel empty inside.  Instead of being able to express that to you, he may misbehave, act out at school, have a tantrum, or whine….the things that make you feel crazy!  A child with a full “love tank” is a child who’s love language has been spoken to him.

What Fills a Love Tank?



What Empties a Love Tank?

  • Ignoring your child.
  • Yelling at them or even listening to other people yell.
  • Being preoccupied all the time (phone, computer, bills, cooking dinner, other siblings).
  • Not keeping your word or saying these words:  maybe, in a little bit, and possibly.
  • Speaking the wrong Love Language.

    Benefits of a full “love tank”:  
    1. If you speak your child’s love language, they will become confident and be emotionally stable children.

    2.  Love is the basis of all parenting.  You can not teach or discipline your child without a love foundation.

    Why fill your child up?
    Your child is like a sponge.  They soak up ideas and beliefs wherever they go.  Don’t you want your child to be filled with your love and values?

How often to fill up? 
I like to say that kids have love tanks the size of sippy cups and adults have large water bottle tanks!  So kids need constant refills!  Some need it hourly and some a few times a day.  School age kids need a huge refill on the weekend so that they can start their week filled to the brim!

Secret:  A child with a full love tank is also more content to play by themselves!  This gives you the mom more time to get things done!  Fill them up first before you start your day and you’ll have a better day.  Promise!

It takes a lot of effort to carve out time, but your child will learn more from you then you ever realize!


To get the best understanding of The Five Love Languages of Children, make sure you check out Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell’s book (here).

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