Every so often I talk to a mom who is concerned that her child will be “bored” (that word is for a whole new post) at school. In a classroom of 24+ students it is difficult for a teacher to individualize all assignments.
Many parents want to go into the classroom and ask how the teacher will enrich their child’s life. I would challenge you to consider that this may not be the correct approach, the one that will benefit your child the most.
Instead, let’s think about what YOU can do as a parent to help make the situation better. Most early-finishers do not need more work, they just need different things to do. I like the these “I’m Through! What Can I Do?” books (below). They have ready to use word puzzles, logic problems and creative thinking tasks.
A dear friend of mine put together a folder of fun puzzles and activities for her daughter to do in first grade. She could privately pull the folder out or work on her individual project when she finished her work early. Did the teacher do it for her? No, her mom did. Most teachers are receptive to ideas like this as long as you talk to them first.
If you can answer yes to any of the following question, this book may be for you!
- Does your child finish his work fast and correctly?
- Does your child get in trouble when there is “nothing to do” at school?
- Has your child read every book in the classroom library during his free time?
- Does your child dread a particular subject because he already understand all of the concepts?
- Has your child’s teacher contacted you regarding advanced placement?
- Does your child finish all of his work ahead of time that was meant to keep him busy?
- Does your child need something to keep him busy when he finishes his homework before his siblings?
This is where you can step in a as a parent and help out. Your child’s teacher must agree to a book like this first and will need to set any limitations on it as well (time of day, when it can be used, if it can be shared with others).
Special thanks to Stacy S. for contributing and editing this post!
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