Teaching Children the Joy of Giving

I believe that a critical part to earning money is learning how to Spend, Save, and Give. While it’s important for our children to learn how to give with their time, gifts, and talents, it’s also necessary to teach them how to give their own money.  Can we teach our children the joy of giving?

For me, teaching my children how to spend their money is just as important to me as saving it. On top of learning how to earn it through chores (family contributions) and saving for things they want to buy, they also need to spend it. I feel that we are called to teach our children to spend their money wisely.

Teaching Children the Joy of Giving

Examples of Kid – Friendly Giving:

Time: volunteering at a shelter, stocking a food pantry, cleaning a yard

Gifts: donating toys, food, books, clothing

Talents: singing at a senior center, babysitting younger children

Money: donating actual money or purchasing things for someone in need

Spending Includes Giving

Since our children were in elementary school, they’ve earned $20 per month (you can read more about that here). Money is put into SPEND, SAVE, and GIVE each month. While $2 into the GIVE category might not sound like much, it is 10% of what they earned.   The money over several months can start to add up.

Choosing Where to Give

Over the years my children have chosen to give their “GIVE” money to a World Vision to purchase a goat, playground equipment, chickens, mosquito netting, clean water supply, and infant care.

Other giving has included a dog shelter, gifts for a sponsored child, our church, books for needy children, school fundraiser, a special needs facility, boxes for Christmas charities, and local charities. They get to choose where their money is donated.

We feel that it is most important for them to give to a charity or cause they are passionate about, so they can experience the joy of giving.

What inspires my kids to give?

  • When the World Vision catalog arrives at the house
  • Scouting for Food (local food drive through the Boy Scouts)
  • Purchasing gifts for Christmas boxes or sponsoring a family at Christmas
  • Sponsoring a Child and giving extra gifts on their birthdays 

What speaks to my children about these groups?

The children. These charities help children and that connects to their hearts. They want children to have toys, clean water, new shoes. They once received a thank you note for a gift they gave to their sponsored child. What did he purchase with the money they sent him? Shoes, jeans and a new shirt. That made an impact on my children and helped them not take so many things for granted.

Teaching Children the Joy of Giving

How Can You Promote Giving in Your Home?

Be role models to your children. They are keenly observant of the money attitudes and behavior of their parents. Good or bad, our children try to emulate us. Emphasize giving and sharing. This teaches them understanding and also helps them appreciate the privileges they have in life.

Teach your children about the impact of poverty

Globally, poverty is defined as living on $1.90 or less per day. In 2015, a projected 900 million people lived at or below the global poverty line worldwide, with the greatest concentration of those living in poverty being in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Improvements in access to education, healthcare, housing, employment and personal security greatly increase a person’s chances of escaping poverty.

Do you have little kids?

Go through a catalog like World Vision and choose 3 things you like and then let them choose one.

Do you have big kids?

Let them read the entire World Vision catalog. Some of the topics (women’s safety and education) may bring up some valuable conversations in your home.

Teaching Children the Joy of Giving

What to choose?

Your children will be happiest choosing an area they are most passionate about. Do they love soccer? Give soccer balls. Do they love animals? Give a goat!

Match their Money

Kids love to make their money go as far as possible. If you’re able to financially match what your child is giving, it makes the gift more impactful.

Ready to Give?

Gather around your computer or fill out the form in the World Vision Gift catalog.

You can follow World Vision on Facebook Twitter and Instagram at @WorldVisionUSA

How to request a World Vision Catalog

Go to World Vision Catalog or call 1-855-WV-GIFTS. Hard copies of the catalog are also available upon request.

Click here for more ideas on gifts to give someone who has everything.

Teaching Children the Joy of Giving

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