Kerry and I have been friends since high school, we went to the same college, and now just live a few streets apart!  I’m always inspired by the things she does with her children.  She is always coming up with new and fun things to do.  Two years ago she started a Summer Journal with her son.

Age 4
Kerry asked him to tell her about the picture.  She did the majority of the writing for him and asked him to write some of the small words.  (She glued the photos at the top).

Too cute – he wrote DOG
Love the friends photo – he wrote PARK

Age 5
Her son did the majority of the writing and she helped him spell some of the harder words.

Adorable!  I love how he added in the extra exclamation points!!!

Whoo – hoo!  He keeps getting better and better.  His spelling, spacing, and handwriting are fabulous!


  • 1 composition book (with the picture space at the top), she purchased this one at Target
  • Pile of photos, she said she’s always at Costco so it’s not a problem to pick them up!  (they can draw their own pictures too, either way is great!)

Notes for writing with your kids from Kerry:
1.  I only spell words when he insists :).  I prefer to have him figure out what it sounds like.  I love to see what he comes up with!  It usually makes me laugh.

2.  When he was little, he would tell me what to write.  I wanted him to participate in that part of the process.

Bonus:  Her children’s preschool offers certificates for anyone who keeps a summer journal.  Her son has also enjoyed sharing this with his class.

Summer Points:  She offers 1 point per page and expects 2 sentences written.

Great Job Mom!  I love this idea because at this age kids love themselves!  So, what is better than writing and reading about yourself?  This is awesome for reading too, they can go back and reread past experiences and see how they’ve grown.  Can’t wait to see what this year’s journal will look like too!

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