Welcome to summer!  All kids need some School Skill practice over the summer. The dreaded Summer Slide sounds terrifying! Sometimes I have the best intentions for summer, but then go down the rabbit hole (internet) looking for ideas on things to do with my children.  I want something that’s not too hard, not too easy, but just right, AND only takes 20 minutes each day.  I’ve got it!  Look no further than this elementary school list.  Start your child on the grade he or she will be going into next year.. Summer POINTS or Do-It-Yourself Summer School with your child?

 Skills to review before First Grade:

  • Cut along a line with scissors
  • Hold a crayon and pencil correctly
  • Know the eight basic colors: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, black, white, and pink 
  • Recognize and write the letters of the alphabet in upper- and lowercase form
  • Know the relationship between letters and the sounds they make
  • Recognize the first 100 Basic Sight Words such as the (lists available online)
  • Read simple sentences
  • Spell his first and last name, using appropriate capital and lower-case letters
  • Write word family words such as bat, sat, mat and fan, can, tan
  • Retell a story that has been read aloud
  • Identify numbers up to 20
  • Count by ones, fives, and tens to 100
  • Know basic shapes such as a square, triangle, rectangle, and circle
  • Know her address and phone number
Skills to review before Second Grade:
  • Write words with letter-combination patterns such as words with a silent e
  • Read and write high-frequency words such as where and every
  • Write complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation
  • Read aloud first-grade books with accuracy and understanding
  • Count change (quarter, nickel, dime, penny)
  • Tell time to the hour and half-hour
  • Quickly answer addition and subtraction facts for sums up to 20
  • Complete two-digit addition and subtraction problems without regrouping
Skills to review before Third Grade:
  • Expand his vocabulary (introduce dictionary skills)
  • Read fluently with expression
  • Read to learn (non fiction), rather than learning to read  
  • Recognize most irregularly spelled words such as because and upon
  • Write complete sentences and a beginning paragraph
  • Add single- and multi-digit numbers with regrouping
  • Tell time to the quarter-hour
  • Know the concept of multiplication (for example, 2 x 3 is two rows of three)

Skills to review before Fourth Grade:

  • Be able to write neatly in cursive (small muscles of the hand have developed)
  • Read longer stories and chapter books with expression and comprehension
  • Use prefixes, suffixes, and root words and other strategies to identify unfamiliar words
  • Multiply single- and multi-digit numbers
  • Divide multi-digit numbers by one-digit numbers
  • Tell time to the half-hour and quarter-hour and to five minutes and one minute
Skills to review before Fifth Grade:
  • Increase the amount of detail in drawings
  • Work on research projects
  • Write a structured paragraph with an introductory topic sentence, three supporting details, and a closing sentence that wraps up the main idea of the paragraph
  • Be able to memorize and recite facts, although he may not have a deep understanding
  • Use a range of strategies when drawing meaning from text, such as prediction, connections, and inference
  • Understand cause-and-effect relationships
  • Add and subtract decimals, and compare decimals and fractions
  • Multiply multi-digit numbers by two-digit numbers
  • Divide larger multi-digit numbers by one-digit numbers
  • Find the area of two-dimensional shapes
Skills to review before Sixth Grade: 
  • Read complex text fluently and with good comprehension
  • Research a topic using a variety of sources, and use the features of a book (for example, the index, glossary, and appendix) to find information
  • Identify conflict, climax, and resolution in a story
  • Write an organized, multi-paragraph composition in sequential order with a central idea
  • Use problem-solving strategies to solve real-world math problems
  • Add and subtract fractions and decimals
  • Identify and describe three-dimensional shapes, and find their volumes and surface areas
  • Use long division to divide large numbers by multi-digit numbers
Kristen is the writer and creator behind Busy Kids  Happy Mom. The site started in 2011 as a way to share Summer learning and enrichment ideas.  First it started with Summer PointsLife Skills were added and now DIY Summer School.  All of these activities have similar characteristics, the main theme being to Make Summer Count!  She is an Elementary Reading Specialist and the mother of 2 boys!

Follow Kristen on FacebookPinterest, and Busy Kids Happy Mom.



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