Coffee Filter Turkeys:  Time to plan a November Thanksgiving Project.  I started making these Tie-Dye turkeys 20 years ago (gasp!)  I’ve been playing with all the different ways you can dye coffee filters and have even made peacocks.

Did you see the fabulous fruit turkey my friend Charlene made?  That turkey is out of fruit, but this coffee filter turkey is a colorful craft!  This makes a great preschool turkey craft!

Coffee Filter turkey

Coffee Filter Turkey Craft

 You Will Need:

Turkey craft

Click here for Coloring Tips


How To Make Your Turkey:

Step 1

Color your coffee filter.  You can color it in blotches, stripes, or patterns.  You only need to color half of it because all of the colors will blend together.  See a variety of different ways to color coffee filters and their final outcome.

Step 1: Tie Dye Turkey for Thanksgiving - Coffee Filter Art

Step 2

Lay out your newspaper and put on your gloves.

Step 2: Tie Dyed Coffee Filters - Coffee Filter Art

Step 3

Fold your filter in half and half again, until it looks like a piece of pie.

Step 3: Tie Dyed Coffee Filters - Coffee Filter Art

Step 4

Parent / Teacher supervision for this part:  Turn on your water faucet.  Just the tip of the coffee filter needs to get wet.  The water will absorb through the end.

Step 4 : Secret tip to tie-dyed coffee filters

Step 5

Squeeze your fingers over the filter so that the water spreads to the end.  The colors will merge together nicely.  If they don’t, try again!  Light colors in the middle, spreading out to dark colors look really cool (below).
Tie Dyed Coffee Filter Turkeys - Coffee Filter Art

Step 6

Let the filters air dry while the kids get busy making the turkey body.

Tie Dyed Coffee Filter Turkeys

Step 7

Our turkey body is the shape of a bowling pin and about the size of your hand.  For the classroom, I made a cardboard turkey body template for the kids to trace.  For my own children, I hand drew the outline of the turkey body.

The bodies to a Tie Dyed Coffee Filter Turkeys

Step 8

Add a little triangle orange beak, a red squiggly waddle, punch out two black circles for the eyes, and use scraps to make some feet.  Now glue the dried coffee filter to the back of the body, now you have your own Coffee Filter Turkey!

Tie Dyed Coffee Filter Turkeys

Coffee Filter Turkeys….they make great Thanksgiving decorations and sun catchers too!

Other Fun Art & Craft Activities For Kids:

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