Long ago I learned this line in a parenting workshop.  I felt a little bit like a drill sergeant when I used it on my kids initially, but now it works like a charm!

Parent:  When do we listen? 
Child:  The first time.

Try it – you’ll love it.  It’s such an easy way to correct your child without having to sound like a broken record.  I started when they were 2 and still use it now (on my 9 year old).

Now onto another problem:

photo from pinterest

Whining!  There is just something about a whine that can bring a parent to her knees!  Is it the tone, the meaning, the drama?  All of the above!!

My husband came up with this one:

Parent:  Nothing’s finer…
Child:  than getting a quarter from a whiner.

Brilliant!  We used it this weekend for fun and got some giggles.  I hope that if I just say “Nothing’s finer” that will stop the whine cycle in it’s place.  If it doesn’t the phrase will serve as a warning and the next time they’ll have to bring me a quarter.  

What tricks do you use?

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