
Hi, I’m so glad you’re here. You’re looking for the Five Love Languages Test for kids printable, right?

I can’t wait to share it with you, but before I do, you MUST know a few things…

Parents are always looking for ways to get their child to learn faster, have great behavior, or perform better at school.  What if I told you that I know the secret?

I’ve worked with children for over 20 years, both as an educator and a mom.  I want to let you in on a few secrets.

Parents – this concept of love languages is easy to put into action!

Mom's Guide to the Five Love Languages of Children. Printable Quiz, Love Languages, and Planning Guide.

If you’re ready to:

  • Gain a little bit of time for yourself.
  • Feel more peace in your own home.
  • Get your child to listen better and have fewer meltdowns.
  • Find answers to why some behaviors happen.

And…. best of all…. send you on a path to healthy relationships in the future with your kids.

Here are the 3 Secrets You MUST Know BEFORE you jump into learning about the 5 Love Languages.

1.  Love Languages Secret to Loving Your Child

The #1 job of parents is to meet their child’s need for love.

We love them so much that we feel we’re doing it all wrong!

Wait.  You thought that was just you?  Could there possibly be a right way to love your child?  What if saying “I love you” isn’t what your child need?  What if buying them gifts, doesn’t speak to their heart?  What if this child needs you to spend more time with them.  Could it be as easy as that?

YES!love languages test for kids

2.  Love Languages Secret to Loving Your Child

A well-loved child is ready to learn from teachers and parents!

You can not teach or discipline without a love foundation.  As a teacher, I see my neediest children are not having their Love Language spoken to them at home.  They come to school needing to be loved first, then they are able to learn.  At home, sometimes my children are disobedient and need correction.  If I have been filling them up with the love they need, then they are more open to the correction.

Once they feel loved, in their special way, they are ready to learn.

A well-loved child has:

  • a full love tank
  • emotional health
  • less behavior issues
  • less need for peer and teacher attention and are not as influenced by peer pressure

Why?  You’ve filled them up with so much good love, that they have less need to seek it from the outside world.  They are like little sponges.  Fill a sponge up with water, it’s so saturated that there’s no more space for water to come in.  Same thing works for children.

Love Languages for kids

3.  Love Languages Secret to Loving Your Child

Learning how to love your child will also benefit your other relationships.

Countless marriages and other relationships have been improved after being taught the Five Love Languages!

Where have I seen this?

  • When my husband loves me by doing the dishes.
  • When I spend time with my mom on her birthday doing what she wants.
  • When I give a perfect gift to a friend who loves gifts.
  • When I compliment a co-worker publicly and specifically for a job well done.
  • These words speak directly to their lives.  Breathe life and fill up their love tanks.

We are healthier when we are in healthy relationships with other people.  Our families and our children are healthier and happier too.

Love Languages of Children Guide for Moms - free love languages test for kids

FREE Love Languages Test for Kids

Ready for the Mom’s Guide to the Five Love Languages of Children?  Sign up below for the items to be delivered directly to your email inbox.  (I promise not to spam you!)


>>Just incase you cannot access the printables, I don’t want you to go without them.  Click here.

Log in code:  bkhmsubfreebie

Thanks so much for sticking with me and learning some of the ins and outs of the Five Love Languages of Children!

Wait!  You’re not a mom?  No worries, this is written for teachers, dads, grandparents, therapists.  Anyone who cares for children and knows that LOVE is the key!


There’s a Five Love Languages Guide for Everyone.  

Here are my favorite:

Children – Couples – Teenagers – Military Spouses – Singles – Teachers

Amazon links are added for your convenience.

Find some of my recommendations for children here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/busykidshappymom and Visit my Teachers Pay Teachers Store here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Kristen-Mason






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