Need a cute Valentine that could be made by a group of children or a family?  Look no further than this fingerprint art project.

It can be made by a whole group of children or individually. My sister and I, along with our kids, made this fingerprint heart valentine for our Grandma.  It would also make a special keepsake gift for birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or  anytime you need a special handmade gift or card.

valentines day heart made from fingerprint art

Fingerprint Art

If you loved this Bird Fingerprint Art activity you’ll love this Valentine’s Day fingerprint heart too!

(Although my sister and I live over 1400 miles apart, we worked together to make this one-of-a-kind heart for my grandmother.  It’s for her 94th birthday in April, but I have a feeling she may receive it a little early!)

How to Make A Fingerprint Heart Valentine

Supplies for the Fingerprint Heart:

Affiliate links added for your convenience.


1.  I made a heart template to keep us in the lines.
2.  Each person stamped their finger (after practicing) about 30 times.
3.  Let it dry between each person.
4.  Write your name (see tips from the bird post) and then stamp your finger.
5.  My family is on the left and my sister’s is on the right (kids are at the top).

Click here if you would like more details>>> Fingerprint Art Tutorial

valentines day heart makes a special gift idea

More Cute Homemade Valentines:

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