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Are Words of Affirmation your child’s love language?
Describes your child:

Likes for others to tell them they did a good job.



Favorite words include: Terrific!

Good job!


You’re #1!


Awesome kid!


You did it!

Mom Tips

Write notes on the mirror
Compliment aloud
Speak positively about them
Always say I Love You
Praise them aloud around others
Write a letter to them
Come up with a cheer or song with their name in it
Be specific in your praise

Words of Affirmation are a universal love language.  Carefully selected words can make us feel great!

My favorite line that I learned from Janet Mancini and have been using for years is:  “Of all the boys (or girls) in the world.  I’m so glad that God picked YOU to be my son!”
My boys beam when they hear me say this!

Note for Busy Moms:  Speak positively about your child around other people.  Never let them hear you speaking poorly about them.  When I was growing up people thought my sister and I were perfect.  We’re far from it! However, my parents only shared the good things we did…. not the bad. That said, every parent needs a confidant.  Find that person and share when you don’t have any little ears around.


To get the best understanding of The Five Love Languages of Children, make sure you check out Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell’s book (here).
For More Information, Click to find links:


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