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Dear Mom,
Are you interested in raising a happy, healthy child?  Me too!  Understanding how to really love and be loved can change your life!

Did you know that if you really want to teach your child or discipline your child, you have to love them first?

Love is the foundation to all parenting.
I’ll be sharing information that can also be found in Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell’s book, The Five Love Languages.
There are 5 Love Languages:  
(click the word for more information on each language and specific mom tips)


How can you find out what your child’s love language is?  
1.  You can have your child take a 5 minute on-line quiz located here.
2.  You can observe how they love others.  Are they constantly bringing you little presents?  Then they may be Gifts.  Do they offer to help you unpack the groceries?  Then they may be Service.  Do they beam when you tell them how great they are?  Then they may be Words of Affirmation.
*Note – Most children need all 5 Love Languages to feel great!  Children over the age of 5 may have 1-2 “languages”.  Babies tend to get all of their needs met because we naturally do all 5 for them.
As you learn about your child, you will also learn about yourself and your parenting partner.  You will understand what it means to fill someone’s love tank and have your own taken care of too!  When your tank is full, you’re ready to fill others up too!

Click to find links:
I’ve been a student of The Five Love Languages for 15 years (my whole married life).  Besides my parents and my faith, I can easily say that the two main influences in my parenting style have been The Five Love Languages of Children and being involved in MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) / MOMSnext programs.
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