One of the sweetest keepsakes I have is the handprint of my children.  There is just something about their squishy little fingers preserved for a long time.  I enjoyed making the little hand and footprints when my kids were under six months.  Now it’s fun to do a craft that they can enjoy as big kids too.  Making ornaments is my favorite Christmas craft, but this would also be an adorable keepsake for Mothers Day.

Sweet Baby Keepsake Handprint

My sweet baby boy’s hand when he was just 6 months old.  We’ve had it for 10 years and it still looks good. (above)

Basic Instructions for a Baby

Our secret trick to making this craft is Model Magic!  It’s virtually mess free and it air dries.  Most local craft stores also sell Model Magic.

  1. Strap your baby into their highchair or car seat. You may need someone else present to help distract them.
  2. Roll out a small piece (the size of your baby’s hand) of Model Magic onto a portable surface (paper plate).  Make sure your surface is free of all lint and dirt.
  3. Stretch out their little fingers, put the base of their palm into the clay and then press each finger in quickly.   If you mess up, roll it up and start again.  Model Magic is very forgiving.

Age range:  I did this with my 6 month old for his hand.  I made his little foot when he was an infant.

Want to see the cool Big Kid handprint we turned into a snowman ornament?  Same technique, with a little kid art added in for whimsy.  Click here.

Keepsake Handprint

Thank you for stopping by to see our Baby Keepsake Handprint.

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