Are your kids drinking enough water?  I’m on a mission to have my kids drink more water year round, not just in the summer.  As they get older, I’d like them to understand how our bodies use water to regulate temperature, eliminate waste, and cushion our joints.  Plus water helps promote

We’ve also had some problems with dehydration and going through 1 million cups everyday!  My kids have always been limited to 1 milk and 1 juice a day, so water is not a shock – it’s just a matter of getting as much as we need in!

I used this quick quiz *with my children* so they could see how much water they should drink:  Water Calculator. Then we measured it out in our new cups.  It helped them to see it with their own two eyes (in other words, not just a mom nagging them).
According to the little quiz (they ask about exercise, etc): my 8 year old needs 45 ounces and the 10 year old needs 55 ounces.  I’ll keep you guessing on how much I need!  Needless to say, it is so much more than I currently drink!
That’s a lot of water!
Some tricks that are working for us:
  1. We all have the same cups, different straws.  There’s something about everyone having the same thing that makes it better (I don’t know why).  Maybe because they’re clear and the same size?
  2. We’re tying it into Summer Points!  10 extra points for every glass you finish.  A full glass = 16 ounces, we’re working to 3-a-day.
  3. The boys can take them into their rooms for quiet time.  Bonus!

Tips from other awesome moms:

The biggest thing that makes my toddler drink water is seeing me drink water — all the time. He also likes it when I put ice cubes in it.  – Jennifer

We’re tricking J at the moment by adding food colouring in very small quantities to make it look like juice when we give it to him. Each day we’re adding less colour and he’s still drinking it. Soon it will be plain water 🙂  – Cerys

I freeze blueberries and grapes to use as ‘ice cubes’ or freeze juice in icecube trays, homemade popsicles are good for days when I can’t get him to sit still long enough to drink a big glass and swirly straws all work in our house. – Charlotte

We add just a little powdered sweet tea to water once a day. The rest of the time it is plain with ice cubes. Fun shaped cubes are a big hit. – Deirdre

I never grew up drinking juice, except for party days which was not very often. We do drink milk once a day, but no juice at all. So, its just plain cold water all through the day and my girl drinks loads of it:) Infact she prefers water to juice now:) –  Roopa

We got my kids special water bottles with their names on them. They can keep them in the fridge and get ice cold water when ever they want. They are kept on a shelf on their level so they don’t have to ask us for help.  – Kristin

This might seem harsh – but we only drink water. that is all there is. We never drink juice or milk or pop. They all love water and drink tons of it. Juice and milk are full of sugar and saved for parties or playdates. The adults drink it too, so there are no questions.  Amy



Kristen is the writer and creator behind Busy Kids  Happy Mom. The site started in 2011 as a way to share Summer learning and enrichment ideas.  First it started with Summer PointsLife Skills were added and now DIY Summer School.  All of these activities have similar characteristics, the main theme being to Make Summer Count!  She is an Elementary Reading Specialist and the mother of 2 boys!

Follow Kristen on FacebookPinterest, and Busy Kids Happy Mom.

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