I love Brown Paper Packages and the super chart Kierste created for encouraging piano practice.  Reminds me a little of Summer Points – work hard, get rewarded!  Maybe you could adapt this for an instrument at your house, chores, or Summer Points.  She’s used it for a long time and it works great!

Printable Instructions:
Go here and right above Kierste’s signature are the download buttons.  Super-duper fabulous!

Here is her description:
“It’s simple. Each week they can earn points for:  practicing every day, passing off songs, playing their scales (which isn’t always fun, and doesn’t always get done), going the extra mile, and any individual things they need to work on. Along with the parents, I create a reward system using point levels. I start out small–the first level is often their favorite candy bar, or choosing something from my prize basket.  The top prize can be anything the parent and child decide on–from getting to choose a new book, to a sleepover with friends, to a date night with mom and dad, to a new toy. I like to have the whole process take about 12 weeks--long enough to have to work toward something, but not so long that it seems out of reach.  The amount of points can differ, but I usually do 5 points per item per week, with a total possible of 25 points. The top prize requires 250 points, or 10 weeks.  The other levels are at each 50 point mark, which helps keep them focused and excited about what’s coming.”

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