Winter Gear:  Hats, Scarves, Mittens, Gloves, Ear Muffs… OH MY!  

Winter gear is just the reality where we live and we seem to have a lot of it.  We’re only a 4 person family and everyone seems to have 2 of everything.  We also have gear for different types of cold:  warm gear, waterproof gear… the list goes on.  Not only is it hard to organize clothes for kids, but add winter gear to the mix and you have a small disaster.

Welcome to my door leading to the garage – the place rarely seen by guests!  Now just for your viewing pleasure… ta da!

Organize Family Winter Gear

For many years, I had a duffle bag of winter gear that would come up when it got cold, get spread around the house, rounded up in the spring, and then deposited in the basement.  This year, I had a genius idea!  It’s such a simple idea, but those seem to be the best.  A plastic shoe holder attached to the outside door.

Supplies to Help You Organize Winter Gear:

  • Over the door clear shoe organizer
  • 2 – 3m Large Wire Clips (click on the link for Amazon, the best price I found was at Target).  We found that the hooks that came with it did not allow for our door to shut all of the way.  The wire tip fit through the holes the best.
  • optional:  label maker or sharpie marker if you plan to use it year after year


Our plastic organizer is 4 columns wide.  Each member of our family of 4 gets one column.  I didn’t label the columns at first, but soon realized that no one could remember which column belonged to them.

Other tips:  Larger families could take slots horizontally.  Families with young children could put their gear at the bottom.


I rarely do organization hacks of any kind.  But this one is working for my family and it is super easy!  Plus you can just roll it up and store it for next winter.

I can just see those of you in sunny climates, having pitty on us as you put on your flip-flops for another day!  🙂  Stay warm friends!  I’d love to know how you organize your winter gear too.

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