Rainbow Cookies with Skittles and Marshmallows…

It’s always fun to welcome in a new season or holiday with a sweet treat.  We love our Sunshine Cupcakes for summer and our Gingerbread Cookies for Christmas.  Now we have some Rainbow Cookies to add to Spring!

Rainbow Cookies from Busy Kids Happy Mom


  • Sugar Cookies or Cupcakes
  • White Icing (I just used confectioner’s sugar with milk)
  • Skittles (We used the original Skittles flavors)
  • Mini Marshmallows


1.  Ice the cookies with white or light blue icing (for the sky).

2. Decorate!  Explain to your children the concept of ROY G BIV – The colors of the rainbow are all in order:  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet)

3.  Anchor your rainbow with some marshmallow clouds.

4.  Eat and enjoy!  Mom warning – these are total sugar bombs.  Make sure your child will have some outside time after eating these!

Rainbow Cookies

Happy Spring!

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