Here’s a great addition to your DIY Summer School.  Summer Bridge Workbook.  It helps prevent the “Summer Slide” – children can lose 2 months of knowledge over the summer!  A little workbook each day can help prevent loss of knowledge.

These are available for kids from grade Kindergarten – 8th grade, click here:

Suggestion:  Choose a book that your child can complete independently.  Typically this is the grade they just completed.  If your child needs a grade higher for enrichment or lower for extra support, don’t sweat it!  Just place a large sticker over the grade on the cover and they’ll never know the difference.

The books are easy to read, colorful, and cover a variety of material.

The on-line description states: Daily activities in reading, writing, mathematics, and language arts with bonus activities in science and geography. Also included are full-color flash cards, incentive contract calendars, a certificate of completion, and the Summer Bridge Kids who guide children though their daily exercises.

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