Summer Prizes for Summer Learning

Is your child motivated by prizes or an event?  I’m not into bribing my child, but I do like to reward them for a job well done.  Especially when we’re in the middle of the summer and they’ve been trying to accomplish their points.

Your child will have great memories of the prizes they earned.  I still remember receiving my first Cabbage Patch Doll.  I worked everyday until I received her.  It seemed to take forever, but earning her was a wonderful prize and is still a cherished memory.

Last year, my friend presented Summer Points to her daughter.  She was not interested in doing them, unless she could earn a horse.  Yes, a HORSE!!  My kind of girl!

How are prizes awarded at my house?

  1. My husband and I decide what we really think the kids are willing to work towards.
  2. We ask our kids for suggestions.  My youngest always says “Legoland” – we ask for simpler ideas!
  3. We choose 3-4 prizes that we can make happen.  This means- is this something that we can afford to purchase or are we willing to travel or attend (sporting event, amusement park).
  4. Finally, we figure out exactly how many points we think our children can earn over the summer.  We generally award for 500 points, 1500 points, and 3000 points.  Side note: Kids love to earn BIG points, so add an extra zero to your point list.  It’s far more fun to do a worksheet for 50 points, then 5.

Prizes we’ve used

500 Points – Video Game, $10, or a small Lego set

1500 Points – Attend a baseball game, visit a water park, new piece of sports gear, toy for backyard

3000 Points – Trip for the entire family to a local amusement park, camera, or cash

Other Prize Suggestions

Events – sleep over, movie, Chuck E Cheese

Toys – choose the best toy for last!

Experiences – classes, trips, summer camp, new sport

Money – to put towards something

  • All points are cumulative – they do not need to start over from the beginning for each prize
  • Choose prizes that you can actually DO.  We chose a water park as the final prize one year, bought the tickets and then a child got sick.  Those things happen, but make sure you have a backup plan.
  • Setting goals and accomplishing them gives your child a huge boost in self-confidence!
  • Do not make this too complicated for yourself or else it will never happen.
  • Keep your promises, if you say there will be an event or prize…. follow through.
What happened to the girl who wanted the horse?  When the horse was denied, the girl tried for a dog.  Gotta love it!

More links to check out to prepare for summer fun and enrichment:

If you’d like to motivate your child with points and prizes.  Then you’ll want to check out our Summer Points page here and Pinterest board here.
Life Skills – the “skills they don’t teach at school” are great to teach in the summer here.  Find the list here age by age, ideas for everything from getting yourself dressed to learning to cook.
Schedule your day!  I wrote all about that here and how much your children will appreciate the structure.
Check out these School Skills here to see what your child should be working on.
Understanding Book Levels
Audio Books
Pinterest Boards:


Summer Bridge Activity Books and Review
Brain Quest workbooks by grade level.

Math workbook ideas, click here for ideas from Pragmatic Mom.

Summer Activities with Plans
Sun Scholars – Lesson plans and summer activities, review here.

Kristen is the writer and creator behind Busy Kids Happy Mom. The site started in 2011 as a way to share Summer learning and enrichment ideas.  First it started with Summer PointsLife Skills were added and now DIY Summer School.  All of these activities have similar characteristics, the main theme being to Make Summer Count!  She is an Elementary Reading Specialist and the mother of 2 boys!
Follow Kristen on FacebookPinterest, and Busy Kids Happy Mom.

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