Mini Trampolines:  Simple, healthy, active, indoor FUN!  Our trampoline experience has been super!  Sometimes large, outdoor trampolines get a bad rap.  Maybe indoor ones do too; however, we’ve only had a positive experience for the past 4 years with two active kids.  Are you looking for an alternative to wrestling, jumping on the couch, picking on each other?  Then you’ll like this post.

Trampoline Fun

We own the Pure Fun!  Trampoline (affiliate link).  It comes in a variety of sizes, but we just have the smaller one (38 inches).   This one is under $40 and I’d say it has paid for itself many times.  The first one we purchased from a local sports store and it bent into a taco shape.

We mainly use it for straight jumping to get rid of extra energy.  It’s a fabulous workout for kids and adults.

Trampoline Fun!

  • Jumping Challenges (How high?  How many minutes can you jump for?  Can you count to 1000 and jump?)
  • Obstacle Courses (crawl under the table, jump through the hula hoops, punch the punching bag, and jump).  Time them for a “World’s Record”.
  • Dance Sessions (the louder the music, the better!)
  • Exercise Stations (one jumps, the other one punches our stand alone punching bag)
  • Barricade in Nerf Wars or as a stand for cup stacking


Health Benefits

  • Enhances coordination (balance,rhtym, timing) and motor skills
  • Improves cardiovasulat health
  • Improves bilateral motor (cross brain) motor skill development
  • Encourages children to be more athletic because it’s fun!

For more information and useful tips on trampolines, read this article.

Trampoline Exercise
This picture is my favorite! Can you see the foot at the top?

We’ve had the Pure Fun! Click here Trampoline for 4 years and have never had an issue.

**Watch the weight limit for adults.

Disclaimer:  Busy Kids Happy Mom is not responsible for any damage trampolines may cause to you or your home.

We haven’t lost a kid yet.  This isn’t a sponsored post, we just like the product!

Do you have a trampoline?  Who enjoys it the most in your home?

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