Looking for a gift that is meaningful, homemade, and inexpensive?  I used my grandmother’s favorite game to make special gifts for her family after she passed away.  I loved the feel of her game that was probably over 50 years old.  I have the same smooth tiles on our family’s Scrabble magnet board.  This is meant to be a tribute to my Grandmother, but it also makes a nice gift for others.

Scrabble Words of Love

A Grandmother Remembered:

Dear Readers,

My grandmother “Granny”, recently passed away.  She lived until she was 95 years old.  She had three wonderful children, three grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren.  My family gathered outside of Detroit, Michigan to honor a life well lived. Her pastor of 25 years wrote a beautiful eulogy, an entire history of her life.  What a tribute it was to her and a blessing it was to my family.  My mother (her daughter) spoke about her hands and all that she could do with them. My father shared stories from her sisters and children.  One highlight of her life that I’d always admired was that at the age of 60 she graduated from high school! One thing she loved to do all the way into her 90’s was play Scrabble.  Anyone who visited her would play Scrabble.  She had the most amazing memory for words and correct spelling.  Many of us shared stories of playing Scrabble with Granny.  I’m glad that our family enjoys it as well.

I was given her prized Scrabble game at the visitation.  Everyone knew I had a love for Scrabble pieces, but in honor of my Granny I felt this memory could be shared with her family.  I didn’t realize it would be so emotional touching the box and smooth pieces (over 60 years old).  I decided to split up the remaining pieces and send special words to her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I hope they appreciate the little love notes!

xo, Kristen

PS. She was a DIY’er before it was “cool”.

Scrabble Art

Scrabble continues to be a family fun game at our house.  Whether it’s actually playing (math skills included) or enjoying it as a magnet board in our home, we interact with the game frequently.  I started making Scrabble Ornaments 2 years ago.  I’ve made them with sports teams, hobbies, last names, grandparents names, colleges, etc.  You’re only limited by the number of scrabble tiles you have.  Ask around or check a thrift store to see if you can pick up a couple of sets.


Tip:  I have also ordered trays and letters from Etsy.com


1.  Sort out your letters.

2.  See if you need to cut your wooden trays.  Most trays hold up to 9 tiles.  If you cut them precisely, you can get many different combinations of mini trays.

3.  Get ready to glue!  If you’re using a glue gun, you need to work quickly.  If you’re adding ribbon, glue it down first and then glue the letters on top.

You’re all set!  Enjoy your Scrabble Tile Gifts!

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