I just read a powerful article (here) by Tim Elmore,  on the involvement of parents in their children’s sports.  We’ve all seen the helicopter parent, the one who yells from the sidelines, and the one that coaches all the time…even when they’re not the coach.  This type of behavior really wears children out and can sometimes cause them to lose  love for the game(or  instrument or hobby).   As parents, we need the right words to equip and encourage our children.

Researchers Brown and Miller interviewed college athletes and asked what their parents said that made them feel great.  The response:  “I love to watch you play.”

The six little words every child needs to hear.
The six little words every child needs to hear.

Those are the easiest six words convey our love and confidence for them.  Did you know that a universal Love Language is Words of Affirmation?

Most importantly we want to encourage our kids to have fun, play hard, and that you love them unconditionally.  Not sure how your child best receives love?  Check out the Love Languages post here.

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