Blueberry Overnight French Toast

Are you looking for a special meal for the holidays?  I love putting something in the oven that I can fix and forget about.  Then, I can enjoy my guests or family.  Blueberry Overnight French Toast is a family favorite at my house.  We have other traditions around Brother’s Day, Christmas, and Easter but this recipe seems to appears at each event.

Here is our special occasion recipe!  It comes out for all birthdays, Christmas, and sometimes for overnight guests.  I’ve changed the recipe over time, but this is what it looks like now.  It’s a tasty treat.  Enjoy!

Ingredients for Blueberry Overnight French Toast

  • 12 slices day old French bread (1 inch thick)
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar, (divided into 3/4 cup and 1/4 cup portions)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 4 tablespoons melted butter
  • 2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
  • optional:  1 cup chopped pecans


  1. Arrange bread in a greased 13×9 inch baking dish.  In a bowl, combine the eggs, milk, 3/4 cup brown sugar, vanilla; pour over bread.  Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight.
  2. Remove from the refrigerator 30 minutes before baking.  Combine butter and remaining 1/4 cup sugar; drizzle over the top.  Bake, uncovered, at 400 for 25 minutes.  Sprinkle with blueberries.  Bake 10 minutes longer or until knife inserted near the center comes out clean.  Serves:  6-8
  3. Cool 5 minutes before serving.
  4. Serve with syrup on the side (optional)

One tip:  I buy my french bread ahead of time, let it sit out for a day, slice it, and freeze it in a gallon size bag.  Then, it’s ready the day of preparation.

On a final note, I’m so glad I put this recipe on the site!  Now I can FIND it!  I’ve tried other ones, but they’re just not as good.  I hope your family enjoys Blueberry French Toast as much as we do.

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