In times like these, I’ve noticed more and more of us going back to the basics.  Simple play activities and crafts.  Some of us even have time for a little DIY.

Are you looking for the best Make-Your-Own Kid Recipes?  This list was made by experienced moms! The links will take you directly to the recipe.

Bath Paint
Bath Paint 
Shaving Cream Paint

Giant Bubbles 
Bubbles and Snake Maker

Glowing Chalk 
Sidewalk Chalk Paint 

Bread Clay

Cloud Dough
Cloud Dough

Colored Noodles
Dyed Noodles 

Colored Rice
Colored Rice with Kool-Aid 

Colored Sand
Colored Sand 

Finger Paint
Finger Paint (edible) 

Homemade Glue/Paste

Goop (25 ways to play)

Super Simple (edible)
Cornflour Paint
Window Paint 

Play Dough
Oatmeal Play Dough 
Kool-Aid Play Dough
Play Dough Masters Class (tips and tricks) 
Play Dough Flavors (42!)
Gluten Free Play Dough 
No-Cook Play Dough

Puffy Paint
Puffy Paint

DIY Colored Sand for Sand Art 

Sidewalk Chalk
Sidewalk Chalk 
Fizzy Sidewalk Chalk 

Water Color Paint
Water Color Paint 

Window Paint
Window Paints 
Not too keen on making it yourself?  Alex Toys sells great products (click here) and to see our review click here.

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