Do your chores and get a punch (hole punch that is)!  This is a great way to reward your child for helping at home!  Chore Cards reinforce the importance of working together and helping out.

When the card is complete you can reward your child with money, a prize, a special event, or a family movie night!  As long as your child thinks it’s special, it’s perfect!  Getting all 10 punches is quite an accomplishment!

Front:  Children’s names and spots for punches at the bottom.  You could punch with a hole punch, stamp it, or mark it with a special “mom” pen.
Back:  Great family motto – love that they’re all a team!

Bernadette is back to give us some tips on making your own awesome chore cards!  She saw this idea on Pinterest and adapted it herself using Vistaprint business cards.  She’s also made some great schedule cards and this great baby shower book.

Tips from Bernadette:  

1.  To get the circle punches to line up along the bottom use a capital “O” and adjust the size/font to make it look right.  
2.  Teachers – they’d be great “Caught Being Good” cards.
3.  The business cards come in a pack of 250, so you’ll be set for a long time!

Tips from BKHM:

1.  If you’ve never ordered from Vistaprints before, it can be a little overwhelming!  Sign up for their emails (sent daily) and watch for deals with free shipping and free products.  

2.  I’ve ordered TONS of stuff from them over the years and have been quite pleased.

3.  Think out of the box on their products:  business cards = chore cards, wedding invitations = personalized stationary, business banners = personalized happy birthday signs.  Get the idea?

If you’d like to try Vista Print here is a link to take $5 off your first order.  {click here}  (fine print:  I get $5 too!)


Need more tips on age-appropriate chores?  click here
Chore chart ideas?  click here
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