Handmade Ombre Heart Card by Kids

The Ombre Heart card is simple, yet beautiful enough to send to anyone.  It reminds me a lot of our favorite “I Love You” Sign Language card.

Is it important for kids to get involved in the making and sharing of love for others.  Don’t forget about your grandparents, other relatives, teachers, and immediate family.  This card isn’t specific to one holiday, it’s great for ALL of them!

Do you have a friend who loves gifts?  Giving them a card like this might speak directly to their Love Language!  Find out more about that here.

DIY Ombre Hearts.

Ready to get started and make some great cards?  If one works well, why not make 5?  I love to make crafts like this in bulk.  Why not stock up now for Mother’s Day, Birthdays, and Anniversaries?  Guaranteed to bring a smile to the recipient.

I love the Fiskars hole punch (featured below).  It’s easy on the hands, let’s you see where you’re punching and doesn’t ever pinch fingers.  I’ve had mine for years!

*affiliate links

Supplies for the Ombre Heart Card:

Note:  We punched paper we already owned.  Some had designs on the other side, but you can’t see them.

DIY Ombre Heart Tutorial

Directions for the Handmade Ombre Heart Card:

  1. Punch a ton of circles out.  That is an exact estimate!
  2. Cut out a large paper heart for attaching the circles.
  3. Glue strips of the circles across the heart.  Work from the bottom up.  Let the circles hang off the edge.
  4. Once the heart has dried, trim the edges.
  5. Attach to a card, hang in the window, or make for a friend.  Enjoy!

Card Making Tip

I love to purchase a big box of blank cards and envelopes, so that the kids can craft and design as many cards as they want.  It helps have a drawing space and envelope that already work together to make mailing or giving as sets easier.

ombre hearts

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