Bunny pancakes  – Hop on over for breakfast or lunch or dinner with Bunny HOPcakes.  However your family rolls, these will work for you. If I can makes these, so can you!


Bunny Hopcakes


Pancake Recipe: we followed our favorite Greek Yogurt Pancake Recipe.

Topping Options:

  • Eyes – blueberries, M & M’s, banana slice, chocolate chips
  • Nose – half raspberry, half strawberry, cherry
  • Whiskers – whip cream, icing, apple pieces
  • Bow-tie – 4 half pieces of bacon, sausage, whipped cream, part of a pancake


  1. Get your toppings ready before you start making your pancakes.
  2. Make your pancakes.  You can keep them warm in the oven on a low temperature or covered with foil.
  3. Make your ears by cutting several of your pancakes in half with kitchen shearers or a knife.
  4. As soon as you’re ready, move quickly.  Put on all of your toppings and then then add whip cream.  It can melt fast, so serve immediately.


Bunny Hopcakes 2

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