Healthy classroom snacks that are Teacher Approved & Mom Approved!

Parents – are you looking for healthy snack ideas for your kids to take to school?

Teachers – are you hoping your students will bring snacks to school that are good for them and not very messy?

I’ve created a printable list of the best classroom snack ideas for you below.  These are all Teacher Approved healthy classroom snacks!

Healthy classroom snack ideas.

Healthy Classroom Snacks

Sometimes students and parents need a little nudge in the right direction.   Children can be taught that healthy snacks keep their brains and bodies running.  These snack ideas below are simple and not very messy.  I’ve seen far too much junk food brought to school (Sticky Buns, sleeves of Oreos, Doritos, M&Ms).  Teachers also appreciate easy to eat snacks, ones that don’t get all messy and leave a trail of crumbs all over school supplies and books.  Remember…

Healthy Bodies = Healthy Brains

My Top Classroom Snacks:

These make great snack ideas for kindergarten class, as well as preschool snack ideas!

Choose 1 small snack to send with your child daily.  An appropriate serving size is 1 cup. Some suggestions include:

  1. Fruits:  grapes, apple, pear, dried fruit (raisins)
  2. Granola Bars: cereal bars, Lara Bars, Cliff Bars, Luna Bars
  3. Vegetables: carrots, celery, cucumbers, green peppers
  4. Sandwich: half sandwich, small bagel, tortilla wrap
  5. Cheese: string cheese, Babybell Cheese
  6. Cereal (no sugar added): Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios
  7. Other snacks: popcorn, pretzels, Goldfish, beef jerky

Do not send:

  • potato chips
  • cookies
  • sticky foods
  • candy or fruit snacks

If a snack is too messy, students will be asked to eat it during lunch.

Your child may also keep a water bottle (reusable bottles only) in his backpack.

Tip For Parents – After School Snacks

There are so many great after school snack ideas, such as yogurt, smoothies, hummus, guacamole.  I love them all, but they just don’t have a place in the classroom.  Fill your child up with great fiber and protein before and after school.  One of the above snacks will be perfect to get them through to lunch.

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