Are you ready for Back-To School?  School supplies, new routines, and parent-teacher conferences.  No one wants to be “that parent”, I know I felt that way when I wrote to my son’s school principal.   However you know your child the best and are the best person to communicate their needs to the teacher.  But what’s the best way to go about doing that?  What do you ask at a parent teacher conference?
How to have a great parent teacher conference.


Remember… You are your child’s best advocate!

*one more time*

You are your child’s best advocate!

You have known your child their entire life.  You were their first teacher and continue to be!  So here is what you need to know to have a successful parent teacher meeting.

10 Tips For Parent Teacher Conference

Things to keep in mind during your conference:

1.  Partnership

Your main goal during a parent teacher conference is to make sure your teacher understands that you are in a partnership with them and want to do everything at home to support your child’s needs.  Above all else, treat them as a professional!  Be respectful!

2.  Be Specific

Be specific with the teacher.  What are your concerns?  Take a list with you so you don’t forget.

3.  Time Constraints

Usually teachers will only be able to allow about 15 minutes for a parent teacher conference.  This is to get all 25+ sets of parents through the class.  The teacher is generally averaging about 6+ hours of conferences.  If your list of concerns or questions is really long, a good idea is to email it to the teacher beforehand.

4.  Sample of Work

You can ask to see a sample of an average child’s work for comparison.  It’s just good to have a reference.

5.  Continued Communication

One conference in November does not need to end your communication.  Contact them as often as needed.

6.  Home Life

Let the teacher know when changes are happening at home, email works well.

7.  Follow Up

After the parent teacher conference, if you feel you still have unanswered questions, contact the teacher again.  Do not go over the teacher’s head immediately.  It helps to document your interactions, so that if you need to talk to the principal or guidance counselor you’ll be prepared.

8.  Character

One friend suggested asking about your child’s character.  This may include lying, tattling, talking back, manners, respecting adults, etc.  I think this is valuable and served me well when the teacher called to tell me about a small issue at school.

9.  Questions

Ask questions that need more than a yes or no answer.  Example:  What kind of social interactions do you notice at school?

10.  The One Question

You should feel that you are in a partnership with your child’s teacher.  It shouldn’t be an us vs. them type of scenario.  The best question to ask:  “How can I best help YOU to help MY child?”


What is the ONE question you want answered at a parent teacher conference?

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how to have a successful parent teacher conference

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