love language gifts

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Love Language Gifts

All children love receiving gifts, however some children feel LOVED through being given a small gift.

Is your child’s love language gifts?

  • Do they feel cared for when someone gives them something?
  • Do they seem to treasure a special present or surprise?
  • Do they love having their favorite food made for them?
  • Do they get upset when it is perceived a gift has been forgotten?
  • Do they put effort into creating thoughtful and often handmade gifts for others?
  • Do they love writing sentimental cards or notes for others?

If that’s a YES to all or most of these questions, your child’s primary Love Language could be Gifts.

Mom Tips: How To Communicate Love Through Giving Gifts To Your Child

Showing love to your Gifts Love Language child doesn’t have to take extra time or effort.  Here are some simple ideas to show love through small gifts.

Examples of Love Language Gifts:

  • Keep a small stash of inexpensive gifts.
  • Give them a flower or stone you find outside.
  • Leave gifts for them when you’re out of town.
  • Shop with them for a special gift.
  • Send them on a gift treasure hunt.
  • Send them to camp or school with a cute note.


Happy Mom note:  Sometimes a person can’t admit how much they love gifts!

There is nothing wrong with loving gifts, most people who love gifts appreciate the thoughtfulness and sentiment behind it.

The gift need not be expensive, sometimes it really is “the thought that counts.”


To get the best understanding of The Five Love Languages of Children, make sure you check out Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell’s book.

More helpful Love Language Resources:

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