my kids are driving me crazy


Help!  My Kids Are Driving Me Crazy!

Every once in a while Mr. BKHM and I realize that things are not going that well at our house.  Kids are not listening, back talking is occurring, directions are being repeated and repeated, etc, etc….. in short – I feel like I’m losing my mind.

Please note that my husband is completely on board with parenting; he’s just not the one home during the day.

So, I declare that it’s Back-to-Basics time!  Time for me to get  my act together!  

My parenting goals are for me to be clear, consistent, and explain consequences first.

I’m basically trying to stop the craziness and get us all back on track.  So focusing on making my no mean no and my yes mean yes.

I will tell you that the first few days of being consistent are always miserable.  It’s so hard to follow through on each and every thing!  When my husband came through the door on Tuesday night, I cheered! It’s not easy on anyone, there are sometimes tears.  In the end, it’s all worth it!


What was driving me crazy:

My husband and I decided that the two areas that were bugging-us-to- no-end were getting ready for dinner and the bedtime routine.  We felt as if they were causing US undue stress.  We were nagging *gasp*, repeating ourselves, and getting frustrated!
What should have been 2 easy tasks, were driving us bonkers!

Changes made last weekend at our house:

So, my husband and I hammered out our plan.  Nothing fancy, just me and a Crayola Marker.

1.  Meal Time Routine:

driving me crazy - a written routine helps
Completing our simple dinner routine = dessert (fruit, cookie, or snack)


2.  Nighttime Routine:

nighttime routine when the kids are driving me crazy
Completing the bedtime routine + shower = more story time


No More Crazy Mom!

Both plans are already working!  We’ve put the responsibility on the kids, the instructions on the paper, and made the consequences clear.  I can just point to the paper if there are questions (no more crazy mom).

Expectations and rewards are known by everyone!

Why, oh why, did I drag my feet in making a plan?  It took no time, a little instruction, and is easy to implement.  Now we just have to follow through!
Here’s to less crazy parents!

Click here for more parenting ideas that will keep you from going crazy:



Moms with boys – you’ll get this one:  I also wrote with a dry erase marker on the underside of the toilet seat:  “Please Flush Me!” (I’ll spare you the picture).  No one has found it yet, so either they’re not flushing or not lifting the seat!  aaaahhhh!


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