Physical Touch Love Language

All children need physical affection for healthy development, however some children feel LOVED through safe physical touch.

Is Physical Touch your child’s love language?

  •  Do they love to receive hugs and kisses?
  • Do they enjoy giving and receiving High Fives?
  • Do they like to cuddle?
  • Do they ask to be carried?
  • Do they enjoy physical interaction: racing, wrestling, tag, climbing in your lap?
If that’s a YES to all or most of these questions, your child’s primary Love Language could be Physical Touch.
Click here to learn more about >>> 5 Love Languages for Kids

Mom Tips: Communicating Physical Touch Love Language To Your Child

Showing love to your Physical Touch Love Language child doesn’t have to take extra time or effort.  When you are together with your child, include physical affection.

Examples of the Physical Touch Love Language:

  • Hold hands
  • Hug often
  • Have your child sit in a bean bag chairs
  • Family cuddles
  • Sing action songs
  • Tickle fun
  • Plan family physical activities
  • Read stories together on the couch or your lap

Mom-to-Mom Tip:  If your child likes to be cuddled and squeezed a lot, they may need extra pressure on their bodies.  I recommend first talking to an Occupational Therapist.

Second I’d recommend looking into a home bean bag (also sold at Target) or a “Calming Station.  Being squished all over can bring a great sense of calm to a child who loves to be touched.  You’ll hear their breathing slow and their behavior will improve!

Tips on Safe Touching

A note on appropriate touching of children.  In this day and age, parents with opposite sex children can be afraid of touching them inappropriately.
Here are some key points to remember:
1.  Teach your child from an early age that “Good touches are ones that keep us clean and healthy”.  Clean (parents) and healthy (doctors) are easy for children to understand.
2.  Practice hugging your child from an early age and it will be more natural as they get older.
3.  Keep up the physical touch as your child gets older so they will not seek it from others.

Studies have shown that when a Dad hugs his daughter she has higher self esteem, better self image, and feels more beautiful.

To get the best understanding of The Five Love Languages of Children, make sure you check out Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell’s book (here).


Click here for more helpful Love Language Resources:


Best Parenting Resources From Busy Kids Happy Mom:

Are You A Bucket Filler?

Benefits Of Being Bored

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Consequences: Toddlers to Teens

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Thought:  We tell our hair dresser more than our therapist because they have the power to touch us.  Agree or disagree?
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